E-Book Cover PocketBook for Basic Lux2, Touch Lux4, Color, Touch Lux5, Touch HD3 Black

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990 ден

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Material: PU / microfibre
Dimensions: 164 x 112 x 8 mm
Weight: 95 g
Colors: Black, light brown, blue-gray, gray and red

The Shell New series’s stylish guards are available in five beautiful colors: light brown, black, blue-gray, gray and red. These accessories are made of durable and high quality polyurethane. The blue-gray, gray and red models have a pleasantly felted ribbed texture. The light brown and black pattern is in turn made of a material that looks and feels like genuine leather. The surface of the shields repels stains, including fingerprints. The E-book reader stays firmly attached to a plastic enclosure that fits perfectly. The two magnets do not open the lid accidentally.

PocketBook Shell New accessories support the intelligent sleep function, which saves battery power. When the lid is closed, the e-book reader automatically enters sleep mode. When the cover is opened, the device is reactivated.




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